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About Me

Member of 6thRB, until the baby arrived.  


Rickam was the best Dod Player who ever lived, so naturally you have found yourself in this armpit of the internet to discover more about the legend that is "Rickam." Unfortunately nobody like the guy, so his egotistical profile has been largely deleted,  he since alternates his war name between  "Trashman" and "MagicThighs" to the beat of "staying alive".  


I like to think that the more I play this game, the more I will be disliked and the fatter I will become from inactivity.  



The only things you need to know:


The most important thing is to be alert, but relaxed. So take off as much clothing as you can when playing. Underwear or underwear and bra (or lingerie) is ideal (avoid leather).   Fully clothed  with wrist warmers works best for me.  Then find the cheapest keyboard and mouse you can find; the type that are lightweight and have low travel to the keys and little resistance.  Put a weight on your mouse cable so that the tension is always the same.  You should have about 6 inches of cable free in a "U" shape. I use a jewellers anvil.

Best Weapon (if your ping is high):  MP44.  You can plink, burst, and lay down fire and have a large enough magazine to not be caught with your pants down.  Don't reload for nothing (be OCD in real life, not in game).  You only need one round to take someone out.  - Always fire and manoeuvre.  If you have no tactical advantage, leave the position.  Don't kill everyone you see, or you will have to fight them again at the last flag when they re-spawn.  It's the flag caps that win a match.  I don't brag about how my car uses so much fucking fuel to reach it's destination, same goes for killing enemies to reach the objective.


If you have a high ping at least you can win the fire fight.

Fire Superiority weapon stats:

MG42:  20RPS

M712: 17RPS
Thompson: 12 RPS

Carbine: as fast as you can click.



Things for steam to fix with this game:

-Raise the ceiling of the maps so we don't bounce rifle grenades off the clouds. 

-Why does my player drop to the ground so slowly? what's the point of "hitting the deck" at this rate?
-Allow players to be mutually destroyed in a draw or standoff.  Apart from Rocket class, it never happens.  
-stay consistent on what materials are permeable to bullets.  Why can't I shoot someone through a plant in a ceramic pot.  Why can't I shoot through railings (should be a 90% chance of it going through).  Some lamp posts have force-fields surrounding them.

-Add some random fragmentation shrapnel to grenades.

- I just saw my player model load 3 individual rounds into my M1904A4 Springfield.  When I abort the re-load I have none!

-I just pulled the charging handle on my BAR, but aborted the re-load as the very last millisecond to select a grenade, and when I switch back I have no bullets!   Or I just threw a grenade, and now I need to charge my weapon before firing. 

-Make the mp40 a better weapon. It should not be that bad.

-remove fire select (right click) from BAR and MP44.

-give snipers a cross-hair when not scoped in, people are going to put a piece of tape on their monitors and draw a dot anyway, or add converging piano wire or something, so it's not a level playing field in that respect.  (I never snipe).

-make the carbine full auto type. Some are using rapid fire Nintento type hacks for high cyclic (to avoid Nintendo finger blisters). 

-I want to be able to shoot the snipers hands, fingers or his weapon. Why can't I do that!

-replace bullets with lasers, and grenades with flashes of light.  The Axis forces will be called: The Empirical guard. And we replace Wagner with the Harry potter theme song. 






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